Wine Culture. Expand Your Palate!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

North American wineries are expanding rapidly, with more than 500 new wineries entering the market each year in the United States alone. While large, well-know wineries produce the bulk of wine sold commercially in the U.S., approximately 75 percent of all wineries fall into the Very Small (fewer than 5,000 cases produced annually) or Limited Production (fewer than 1,000 cases produced annually) categories, according to Wines & Vines Magazine. But like fine craft beer manufacturers, there are some gems to be discovered among these tiny vinters. Here’s a list of a few you might want to try.

  1. Terra Alta Albarino - Bokisch Vineyards, Lodi, California
    This aromatic white wine boasts a clean, crisp acidity which pairs delightfully with seafood. It earned a Gold Medal at the 2016 Sunset International Wine Competition. $18 per bottle.
  2. Traminette - Bean’s Creek Winery, Manchester, Tennessee
    The American white wine varietel offers a hint of spice with a lily nose and long, warm finish. This light bodied wine goes great with Italian pesto cheese. It earned Best of Show at the the 2011 Mid-Atlantic Southeastern Wine Competition. $17 per bottle.
  3. Angel - Messina Hof Winery, Bryan, Texas
    Angel, a late harvest Reiling, is a crisp, sweet dessert wine, harvested from the last pick of Riesling, just before the grapes turn to raisins. Excellent with light, sweet desserts, chocolate, cheesecake or fruit. It was an International Double Gold Winner and Champion at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo’s Rodeo Uncorked! International Wine Competition. $19 per bottle.
  4. You Betcha Blush – Minnesota Nice, Carlos Creek Winery, Alexandria, Minnesota
    If you’re looking for a fruity, easy to drink wine that pairs well with spicy Thai food, You Betcha Blush might just be the wine for you! Made from blush-style Frontenac, this rosé wine took home top honors, including the Chairman’s Award, at the 2014 INDY International Wine Competition. $19 per bottle.
  5. Hellbender Red – Crane Creek Vineyards, Young Harris, Georgia
    This rebellious red wine features vivid Georgia flavors of fruit and spice to accompany its perfume of dark fruit, zesty spice and toasty vanilla. A revolutionary wine that stands up to game meats, wild duck or robust beef dishes. Hellbender Red took home the Gold Medal at the 2014 San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition. $21 per bottle.